
Vital Parts of a Successful Pain Management Plan

Vital Parts of a Successful Pain Management Plan

Chronic pain can chronically stop patients from living their best lives! Pain is a physical response, but it also involves our mindsets and perspectives to our lives. While controlling and managing pain is the ultimate goal, a strategy should also include the ways that we can all live more healthy and happy.

At Pain Control Associates, our team takes a holistic approach to treating our patients, whether that includes medication, procedures, surgery, epidural injection or physical therapy. Bringing in these additional elements can guide chronic pain patients toward better and happier days.

  1. Movement: Being as mobile as possible should be a key component of any pain management plan. Getting around is so important to quality of life. Patients need to be able to get around, drive, be physically active and stay out and about in the world.
  2. Connections: When pain is the focus, it can prompt people to withdraw and start to lose ties to their families, friends and neighbors. Incorporating the idea of interaction into any plan makes sure that isolation does not occur and creates even more negative emotions, such as anxiety or depression. Start a neighborhood walking group to help stay mobile and connected or plan monthly dinners with family or friends.
  3. Control: As we age, we expect to be more reliant on others for help with everyday tasks, such as cleaning, cooking or personal hygiene tasks. But if pain prompts issues with any of these everyday essential chores, it can cut into self-image and a feeling of co-independence. Strive to think about strategies that can maintain any semblance of independence, depending on your condition and level of pain.
  4. Acceptance: As there is not necessarily a physical change with chronic pain, it can be misunderstood by others. It is tough if there are individuals in your bubble that do not grasp how much the nonstop pain can affect your life. There are millions across the country that go through some sort of chronic pain at some point in their lives, so never feel alone in the condition. Stay close to those who validate that you are struggling.
  5. Positivity: Make sure that any plan or strategy keeps in mind the basic need for positive energy and emotions. Chronic pain can cause issues for all sorts of relationships, so keep in mind that feeling loved and accepted are the top ways to work on keeping an improved mindset.

We Work With You Along the Path

Our team approaches each and every patient as an individual, and we always seek out the best ways for chronic pain patients to find their ultimate plan. We land a personalized plan after conversations and tests, as needed. We understand that chronic pain is often not curable, and it needs a cohesive strategy to keep our patients as happy as they can be.

Contact us to make an appointment via our online form.


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Neck Pain

  • Herniated disc
  • Spondylosis (Axial Neck Pain)
  • Failed Surgical Neck Syndrome
  • Biomechanical (Postural) Pain
  • Whiplash

Musculoskeletal Injuries

  • Radiculopathy (Sciatica)
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD)
  • Herpes Zoster Radiculopathy (Shingles)
  • Fibromyalgia

Low Back Pain

  • Spondylosis (Axial Back Pain)
  • Compression Fracture
  • Scoliosis
  • Herniated disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Internal Disc Disruption (Annular Tear)
  • Spondylosis (Axial Back Pain)
  • Facet-Mediated Pain
  • Compression Fractures
  • Scoliosis
  • Sacroiliac Joint Pain
  • Spondylolysis/Spondylolisthesis
  • Failed Surgical Back Syndrome
  • Biomechanical (Postural) Pain


  • Cervicogenic Headache
  • Occipital Headache

Work Injuries

  • Prompt diagnosis and treatment
  • Close coordination with case workers
  • Facilitate early return to work

Spinal Interventions

  • IDET
  • Epidural Steroid Injections
  • Racz Catheter Lysis of Adhesions
  • Radiofrequency Facets
  • Sacroiliac Joint Injections
  • Occipital Nerve Blocks
  • Stellate Ganglion Blocks
  • Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks
  • Discography (Lumbar & Cervical)
  • Facet Joint Injections
  • Trigger Point Injections

Psychological Treatment

  • Behavioral Strategies to Help Manage Pain
  • Coping Skills
  • Strategies to Improve Sleep
  • Biofeedback & Relaxation Training
  • Management of Depression

Surgical Treatment

  • Neuromodulation (Spinal Cord Stimulation)

Medication Management

  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications
  • Neuropathic Medications
  • Opioid Medications


  • Electrodiagnosis of nerve-related injuries and disorders

Physical Therapy

  • Skilled Manual Therapy
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Acupuncture